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Dan Bruno

@darius Yeah, I expected to see the B team from the Crossbell arc in Lloyd's route—Rixia, Wazy, Noel, Dudley, and Arios is already a bunch of people not in CS4. But I also feel like they would be offset by losing some other folks—hard to imagine they'll give us, say, Xeno/Leo and Ines/Ennea again…but maybe I'm wrong!

I guess even if not there are new characters too—I see we have another masked character who goes by "C", heh—and that'll make up the difference

Dan Bruno replied to Dan

@darius I feel like I had to meet them more than halfway on the Divine Blade stuff. My read is that getting closer to mastery of Eight Leaves starts to veer into metaphysics instead of sword technique, and that the "void" form is what allows Rean to e.g. shake off Ishmelga. You gotta get so good at the sword that you can attack the plot directly instead of just monsters. 😂

Definitely excited for Calvard! There's a bit of news about the next game if you haven't seen. Kuro no Kiseki!

Darius Kazemi replied to Dan

@danbruno yeah I saw the Kuro news! Honestly tired of Erebonia after spending like 400 hours there so yes please. I like that they said it will be a standalone game and not part 1 of a 2 parter. The idea is for there to be an arc but it won't be a CS1+2, 3+4 structure

Dan Bruno replied to Darius

@darius They may say that now, but it never seems to pan out that way for them! haha

Cautiously optimistic about changes to the battle system. I don't tend to like ARPGs so I'm hoping it doesn't go too far in that direction, but the existing system is kind of collapsing under its own weight as they keep adding new mechanics to it

Darius Kazemi replied to Dan

@danbruno yeah same. They absolutely need a new battle system but I hope it's not full Ys or Xanadu because I just can't deal with that

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