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Eugen Rochko

Just thinking about how there's a special scientific word for the process of creatures evolving into a crab-like form because apparently that's a thing that happens

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@Gargron i'm certain that this will be one of the win states of Elden Ring

dad but dreaming

@Gargron I can’t keep up with all these new fetishes



This site includes lot of porn. Pl give options to users to subscribe/unsubscribe.

Let porn not be available to everyone by default. If there is a way to unsubscribe such contents, pl let me know.


@Gargron oooh... is this why a lot of landian accelerationists keep talking about that and identifying as crabs... they want to identify with an innevitable inhuman endpoint of evolution, because that's pretty much their ideology


@Gargron Some day, a more advanced species than our own will develop a special scientific word for creatures that evolved from the fetid pond of world wide web oblivion and began clawing at their surroundings with scripting languages and web frameworks.

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