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Jack William Bell


You should clarify that this works for links to ActivityPub posts and not for non-federated external sites.

Moreover, I'm not sure this would work in every case and I haven't had time to investigate.

Would this work with a post to a blocked site? (I certainly hope not.) How about with a post not already in the DB because it is from a non-affiliated site? (Might, but Mastodon would have to fetch it on the fly and I don't know that is supported.)

1 comment
Timo Tijhof


Yes, search can import new posts regardless of whether author or instance are known. Oddly, I use this most for authors that *are* known where perhaps you're the among them first remote followers and so (most) posts weren't broadcast here originally. You can browse their profile, and pick a post or two to import and bookmark/fav/boost/reply.

Search cannot allocate profiles or posts for blocked accounts or blocked instances.



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