fun fact: u can just properly inform urself and self medicate, not just for hrt, but in general. i've been so much more well informed on any medicine i take since i started reading clinical info myself instead of having a dumbed down tl;dr relayed to me by a GP.

i don't think i would've made this much progress on both my mental and physical health if i hadn't come to the realization that what i can do for my trans health care also applies to health care in general. we have so much power and knowledge as communities that no outside doctor ever even could have. advice from friends who have taken the same drugs + reading the same info any GP would read up on has given me a much clearer picture than any 20 minute consultation.

we take care of ourselves if no one else will and that's how we become strong in such a hostile world. why fight the healthcare system for years to get access to something that genuinely helps when you can just do that yourself.