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Darius Kazemi

@cypnk I wanted stuff like that soooo badly as a kid but I was coming of age just as science kits were getting safer/defanged. My equivalent was this 150 in 1 kit from Radio Shack

Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK

@darius @cypnk

TBH I can kind of understand why chemistry sets got made safer as even in my youth two rival Christian factions were still fighting in my country with improvised explosives and multiple casualties; and drugs culture was slowly rising - science needs to be taught alongside ethics and today there are a lot of unpleasant rabbitholes a young person with a /little/ knowledge could end up going down if they end up being falling into the wrong crowd (both online and IRL..)

r҉ustic cy͠be̸rpu̵nk🤠🤖

@darius I wish project kits would make a comeback. Building something functional and educational would cover so much of the experience of learning

Maybe some like this Braun Lectron receiver kit

Darius Kazemi

@cypnk wow I love that at the end you get a super stylish Braun radio out of it!

Darius Kazemi

@barrett oh I love that it has like a consumer electronics interface on the front, that goes a long way towards making something feel "real" for a kid

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