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:umu: :umu:
@drq I do. I make too much posts and in my use case that would be a waste to update author in all these statuses on all instances I'm federating with.
Dr. Quadragon ❌

> to update author in all these statuses on all instances I'm federating with.

Is that part truly required, though?

Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

@drq I think not. Instance can do it itself, when received Move activity


Dr. Quadragon ❌

@mo Yeah. Why not!

Preserve the text itself! Metadata on other instances? Change it opportunistically, on "only as needed" basis.

If no one requires the content/context, everything stays put.


:umu: :umu:
@drq @mo like other "lazy" updates(polls, likes, reposts...), this method may also trigger broken software reaction.
:umu: :umu:
@drq then how do you imagine statuses migration?
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