Most of you are going to appreciate this tattoo!
@stemid @thunderbird @stemid, opening <head> tags are only needed in case you want to perform brain surgery. @thunderbird @stemid @thunderbird Opening <head> tag is located at top of the bald and the closing </body> tag is located in the sole of the foot. I'm sorry 🤣 @LoStz @thunderbird Wouldn't he use a <footer> for the feet? I assumed the closing </body> tag was on his butt. @ilumium @thunderbird that's nice until your bank puts HTML in both text/html *and* text/plain parts... @thunderbird he better have an open tag for head on the top and close tag for body lower down. @thunderbird Brokkr suggests this tattoo for Loki. @thunderbird he should add some js and node.js wrapped with a suitable CSS style sheet. |
@thunderbird I don't appreciate that there is no opening <head> tag. And I would love to see where the closing </body> tag is located. 🤤