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Chase :ani_clubtwit:

@pixelfed Is Instagram importing still in development? If so, any ETA for its release?


@pixelfed Any update on this? I still don't see it in the latest version (I think my instance is running the latest?). Thank you for the awesome feature!

Left side nav of pixelfed instance, showing menu options like "Data Export"
Tino Lassino

@pixelfed ich habe das Internet durchsucht und immer noch keine Lösung gefunden. Ich finde nur Beiträge die das gleiche Problem thematisieren.
Wie soll man Menschen zum Plattformwechsel motivieren, wenn man seine timeline nicht mitnehmen kann.
Ich weiß, das liegt nicht an Pixelfed, doch ohne eine userfreundliche Importfunktion schwindet die Motivation. Und die Menschen bleiben bei Instagram, obwohl sie von Werbung und Algorithmen genervt sind.
#Instagram #pixelfed #import

Tino Lassino

@pixelfed @pixelfed I have searched the internet and still have not found a solution. I only find posts that address the same problem.
How to motivate people to switch platforms if you can't take their timeline with you.
I know it's not Pixelfed's fault, but without a user-friendly import function, the motivation dwindles. And people stay on Instagram even though they're annoyed by ads and algorithms.
#instagram #pixelfed #import

Alex Combessie

@pixelfed This is so cool! Just started on and started migrated from Instagram. Well done!


@pixelfed Seems to be disabled right now. Any idea when it will turned back on again?

I really do not want to upload all my stuff again.

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