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Owncast could really use some design help.

Participate in #Hacktoberfest by offering up your design skills just for a few weeks with no long term expectations.

We're primarily running into UI, layout and mobile design roadblocks and would love if somebody could help us work through some of these.

Have a designer friend who isn't on the Fediverse and might be able to help? Please share with them!

Reach out here or to @gabek

Mike, First of His Name

@owncast @gabek Hey Gabe, web design not in my skill set but is "light theme for the UI" something that's on the radar? I really, really struggle to work with it as it is.

Gabe Kangas
@mike Currently it's not really a dark or a light theme, but if I had to say it's more light than it is dark. A lot of very light blue is in the UI, I don't think I can see it getting more light than that. What did you have in mind?

@owncast @gabek I know a UX researcher if it helps. I don't know if you are looking for a UI designer, web developer or UX designer (researcher)

Gabe Kangas
@gro2bl While all skillsets and interests are appreciated, right now the specific need is primarily UI designer (visual appearance and layout). Stuff like "We don't know what this modal should look like" and "I don't know where these button should go".
Terence Eden

@owncast do you have a link where people can find out more?

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