"number 5, which, according to the creators , expresses the five main features of the brand's phones: custom design, large buttons, ordinary menu, high-quality assembly, reliability."
"number 5, which, according to the creators , expresses the five main features of the brand's phones: custom design, large buttons, ordinary menu, high-quality assembly, reliability." 3 comments
after learning that the word is actually #бабушкофон I discovered this beauty called "Sky's Edge Rotary Un-Smartphone" found here https://tehmo.com/diskovyiy-4g-telefon-postupaet-v-prodaju-6582p.html and made by Justine Haupt and released as Open Source Hardware #OSHW (they released under a modified CC license so technically gray area) anyway heres the product page https://skysedge.com/unsmartphones where you can buy one (either as a kit or premade or download the build files) |
@liaizon in an ideal world you would only need 5 buttons because phone numbers wouldn't include the digits five thru nine