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@gargron it's terrifying to think the law tolerates these people


@Gargron the nerve of those bastards...super coincidence I was about to try it out later today wtf

Cathal Garvey ✅

@gargron The latest release files including source code are still on PyPI, recommend everyone downloads a copy and stashes it somewhere for a while:

nemo™ 🇺🇦

@Gargron are they f*cking kiddig, what the f… is this sh*t

@Gargron I use it every day… to watch youtube with mpv and newsboat.

They could also DCMA any youtube third party clients such as Freetube, Newsboat and Invidious for similar reason


@Gargron Ждём теперь их возвращения на каком-нибудь


@Gargron Это же просто Кафка какой-то. Что за бред? Какой ещё РИАА? Причем здесь Риаа и программа для скачивания видео? Это программа для скачивания не с сайта риаа. Какого хера хреновы куколды из #microsoft прогнулись, а не послали на хуй?

Avery the SysSec Husky

@Gargron You can still grab source tgz from But this is a terrible day for open source software

Massive Box

@Gargron I fear that this might one day happen to my favourite privacy front ends like Nitter, Yotter and Invidious. This sucks.


I'd be interested what a lawyer thinks about the copyright law on this. I can't see how it would be successful prosecution.


I'd be interested what a lawyer thinks about the copyright law on this. I can't see how it would be successful prosecution.


I'd be interested what a lawyer thinks about the copyright law on this. I can't see how it would be successful a prosecution.


I'd be interested what a lawyer thinks about the copyright law on this. I can't see how it would be a successful prosecution.


Die RIAA (Lobbyverband der Musikindustrie in den USA) bittet um dezentrale Sicherungskopien von YouTube-dl.

Pedro Lima

@Gargron youtube-dl must be removed from GitHub because it can be used for something unlawful
. Python should be removed because was used to make YouTube-dl. Windows/MacOS/Linux should be removed ..., computers should be removed...


Interestingly, I think there was something against a lot of twitch streams that use copyrighted music in the past few days.
Not sure if #riaa is going after more than just #youtube-dl


@Gargron Found this, AFTER the RIAA Take Down notice sent to Git Hub.

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