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@jplebreton @darius @cypnk i mean in a way so much is so much more accessible right now than it was it days of yore - arduino, linux systems full of language runtimes and compilers, microcontrollers that can run high level languages, tons of basically pluggable electronics platforms and kits, single-board computers...

...and yet somehow this seems to wind up as toys and primer materials for an increasingly rarified elite instead of democratizing anything.

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@brennen @darius @cypnk Exactly. The first time I booted up a raspberry pi I was like... awesome, this is everything that I, an already Linux literate dev person, need to get going. But thinking about a kid's experience with that made me sad. Desktop shortcuts for Scratch and a Python IDE still left a huge gulf. So I started thinking about what could be on that desktop that would help bridge that gulf.

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