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r҉ustic cy͠be̸rpu̵nk🤠🤖

I fear a pending collapse in computer literacy. Most kids now only have a phone and/or tablet and those are almost exclusively walled gardens. Apps and filters are amazing black boxes which reveal no hints of their internals

A few of my friends who teach are already lamenting the daily fight to get kids aquatinted with just the basics. Never mind Zoom, just *using* a computer

Current state of remote learning has really exposed the problem

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@cypnk I worry about this too. I think computers of today are maybe even less "learnable", as far as what you can easily understand and learn after first powering them on, than they were 20+ years ago. One possible answer I came up with for this is a game-like interactive primer that assumes a basic reading level and teaches basic computing skills, then lets users push deeper into programming, digital media, and simulation concepts. It's been on my backburner for years but lately it tugs at me.

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