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Evelyn fra denne andre øya no not really, this is principally the result of a functional healthcare system being run into the ground for ideological reasons

Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:


Functional healthcare system

Haven't you just complained about it?

Without welfare people could still get their doctors with the money that'd otherwise get taxed. :cirno_shrug:
Government misuse is one of welfare's downsides.

Evelyn fra denne andre øya I said the healthcare system was functional and now is not, and that the difference is the result of political scheming, I don't really understand what you find objectionable in my description of it.

It's also naive and I think idealist to pretend that a pure free market approach would deliver affordable or prompt healthcare to all. For people with simple healthcare needs, this can work, for those with complex health needs, this leaves them with nothing whatsoever.

Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:


healthcare was functional and now it's not

You said people waited over a year for healthcare even before the queen died? And the quality is literally a meme.
Isn't being so prone to political scheming also a problem?

naive to pretend pure free markets would work...

Medicine is cheap outside of big pharma, US healthcare would effectively cost near world average in "pure free markets", at least with my calculations.
I never implied equality or perfection, just that it's preferrable to relying on the state that suddenly denies or kills people that are always paying for it.


healthcare was functional and now it's not

You said people waited over a year for healthcare even before the queen died? And the quality is literally a meme.
Isn't being so prone to political scheming also a problem?

naive to pretend pure free markets would work...

Medicine is cheap outside of big pharma, US healthcare would effectively cost near world average in "pure free markets", at least with my calculations.
I never implied equality or perfection, just that it's preferrable to relying...

Evelyn fra denne andre øya Time goes back a lot further than three months, I am not talking about the difference between three months ago and Monday next week, and I suspect that you know this.

I am aware of the price of medicine outside of the US. I've paid for healthcare in Korea before, the prices are very low and very affordable compared to those in the US. This is also neither here nor there, healthcare is not only medication.

And so, why
are you pretending that healthcare consists only of doctors appointments and pharmacy items? What about psychiatric care? What about cancer treatment? What about surgery? What about rehabilitation?

If access to healthcare is contingent on money, people without the money will suffer and will die. Pretending that this is quantitatively a better system in spite of these obvious facts simply because you ideologically prefer it is farcical.

I do not like people being absolutists about universal healthcare, there are always going to be inherent problems, in many cases an effective hybrid system could be better, but being absolutist about free market healthcare is quite possibly worse. Time goes back a lot further than three months, I am not talking about the difference between three months ago and Monday next week, and I suspect that you know this.

I am aware of the price of medicine outside of the US. I've paid for healthcare in Korea before, the prices are very low and very affordable compared to those in the US. This is also neither here nor there, healthcare is not only medication.

And so, why
are you pretending that healthcare consists only of doctors...

Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:


time goes further than three months

US healthcare was far cheaper a few decades ago, especially proportional to wages.

why are you pretending it's just drug appointments

I did not, low medicine costs is one great advantage I know, and "pure free markets" would drop the price of everything. I thought I didn't have to tell so directly.

a hybrid system would be best

Isn't USA hybrid?

poor people would die

Welfare can't support everyone either.

Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:

Thing about US healthcate is having it socialized would probably collapse the nation with how unhealthy it is.
With the >30% obesity, crimes, seed oils etc americans will basically have a permanent unreliable insurance x3

Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix: replied to Evelyn fra denne andre øya

Privatized healthcare kills the unhealthy
Socialized healthcare laps back to killing but with church organ playing.

baobao replied to Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix: imo the method of healthcare is a giant spook, the real thing that is killing healthcare is regulation, which is completely independent from whether it's funded via the free market or a socialist model

regulation imparts friction at every step of the process which is directly transferable to delays and human salaries to comply the regulation which is directly transferable to money

free market and socialist healthcare systems can both be overregulated and """underregulated""", the main problem is that passing laws is generally a one way process, into a certain direction, you guessed it, increasing regulation

but yes you're right this is ultimately caused by politicians :) imo the method of healthcare is a giant spook, the real thing that is killing healthcare is regulation, which is completely independent from whether it's funded via the free market or a socialist model

regulation imparts friction at every step of the process which is directly transferable to delays and human salaries to comply the regulation which is directly transferable to money

free market and socialist healthcare systems can both be overregulated...

baobao replied to baobao gee bill i wonder why healthcare costs are getting so out of hand these days, surely it's related to the burden of advances in modern healthcare and not just gratuitous self-flaggelation of our governing syste- oh wait

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