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Trying something new. The first (and maybe last?) "Owncast Update"!

Learn what the project has been up to and discover the upcoming initiatives. As a bonus: some personal thoughts about the project!


@owncast Thanks for the update. I've only heard bits and pieces about owncast from others on the fediverse in 500 characters or fewer. The video format was much easier to follow.

I currently has an Open Streaming Platform server, but now I'm considering swapping it out for owncast.

I see there's already an example .service file. I'll likely use that as a starting point & will offer to contribute back any setup/automation that I do. Automation is my jam 🙂


@adam Thank you so much for the feedback! That's good to know.

If Owncast is a good fit for you then that's awesome! And yes! It's not opinionated on how it's run but systemd is super common. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions as you take a look at the project!

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