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We also cannot speak to the current attempts that resulted in Google actually taking action this time, so we'll avoid talking about it any more than it relates to our own attempts at community organization and mobilization on the matter.

But our point is that the left wing on this platform is grossly uninformed on this matter and as a result, is actually spreading white supremacist talking points designed to discredit this community effort to stop white supremacy.

If you aren't experienced on a subject, do not speak on it and instead, raise the voices of the people that do have the experience. That's all we as marginalized people are asking from our allies.

And no, education is not the same as experience. So until all forms of oppression are abolished and all we have to go on is the history books, leave the discussions to the ones that are actually oppressed. The rest just need to listen.

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And for the record, Husky has done the same thing as Fedilab. They've explicitly unblocked Gab.

Both Fedilab and Husky deserve to be deplatformed for deliberately enabling hate and violence.

No, it's not "censorship". It's just forcing hatred to make its own platform like said hatred makes marginalized people make ours. They actively exclude us, so to defend ourselves means to actively exclude their exclusionary ideas.

We'll get to Firefox and Chrome and the DNS servers and whatnot later. But first, we have to build the movement enough to get the no-hate and no-violence policies enforced in more localized areas.

Change first comes from the local level, after all. This'll work, but we gotta get together and make it work first.

And for the record, Husky has done the same thing as Fedilab. They've explicitly unblocked Gab.

Both Fedilab and Husky deserve to be deplatformed for deliberately enabling hate and violence.

No, it's not "censorship". It's just forcing hatred to make its own platform like said hatred makes marginalized people make ours. They actively exclude us, so to defend ourselves means to actively exclude their exclusionary ideas.

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