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We weren't gonna talk about it because we've already been through hell being forced to disprove these ridiculous arguments spread by white supremacists over and over back during our first attempt, but since it's still popping up on our feed, it's time to re-litigate F-Droid yet again.

First and foremost, we wanna start with a post from Eugen concerning how Google banned an app recently:

He states that an app called Subway Tooter was banned and he links a source.

Now, we don't know the story behind Subway Tooter specifically, so we can't speak one way or the other, but the part I can speak on is how Eugen repeats the white supremacist's argument of "it's nonsense unless they ban Firefox and other browsers."

And even more specifically, we can speak on the people in the replies spamming how Fedilab was also banned.

So, with regard to the first point, Firefox and other web browsers haven't been encouraged to block white supremacist sites yet. It's a new kind of moderation policy, albeit based in the same type of concept as malware, so expecting things of them yet isn't an option until this moderation policy becomes more commonplace.

As for Fedilab, they deliberately chose to unblock Gab after blocking them, so they know the dangers and still explicitly chose to enable violence. We've gone over this a hundred times already, so we're not gonna go into this any further, but you can check our past posts from around July through September of 2019 to get more info.

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We also cannot speak to the current attempts that resulted in Google actually taking action this time, so we'll avoid talking about it any more than it relates to our own attempts at community organization and mobilization on the matter.

But our point is that the left wing on this platform is grossly uninformed on this matter and as a result, is actually spreading white supremacist talking points designed to discredit this community effort to stop white supremacy.

If you aren't experienced on a subject, do not speak on it and instead, raise the voices of the people that do have the experience. That's all we as marginalized people are asking from our allies.

And no, education is not the same as experience. So until all forms of oppression are abolished and all we have to go on is the history books, leave the discussions to the ones that are actually oppressed. The rest just need to listen.

We also cannot speak to the current attempts that resulted in Google actually taking action this time, so we'll avoid talking about it any more than it relates to our own attempts at community organization and mobilization on the matter.

But our point is that the left wing on this platform is grossly uninformed on this matter and as a result, is actually spreading white supremacist talking points designed to discredit this community effort to stop white supremacy.

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