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Eugen Rochko

@wolf480pl @cjd We have no evidence that this is related to Gab, anyway. Focusing on Gab is burying the lede, because there are plenty of spaces on the fediverse that could have caused such reports. The fediverse is a vast, diverse space where anyone can spin up a new server at any moment. Trying to make a client app responsible for moderating all of it is ridiculous.

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Eugen Rochko

@wolf480pl @cjd The reason that it is possible to keep a Mastodon server safe from the vile parts of the fediverse is that the way it operates doesn't make you interact with the whole network at once. You get away with not preemptively blocking every single bad place because chances are high you will never come in contact with them. And when it happens the reports system allows responding to new threats dynamically.


@Gargron @cjd
>Trying to make a client app responsible for moderating all of it is ridiculous.

Definitely agree with that. Moreover, I think software serve the user, even if the user wants something the dev considers bad.

But then, do you think someone reported all of those apps at the same time after randomly stumbling upon offensive content when using fedi?

Or is it more likely this was someone with an axe to grind against people with a different ideology?

@Gargron @cjd
>Trying to make a client app responsible for moderating all of it is ridiculous.

Definitely agree with that. Moreover, I think software serve the user, even if the user wants something the dev considers bad.

But then, do you think someone reported all of those apps at the same time after randomly stumbling upon offensive content when using fedi?

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