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Eugen Rochko

It's not uncommon for tweets to reach HN frontpage but I think it's a first for a Mastodon post to reach HN frontpage and that's kind of a milestone.

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To Protect and Floof

And an irony in some respects, given the subject that it is covering.

To Protect and Floof

And an irony in some respects, given the subject that it is covering and what Google and possibly other media outlets might say about it.

But it is good that it gets to the public.

G 🇮🇹

@Gargron not everyone knows what HN means, me first 🤔


@Gargron Mastodon is a legit alternative to Twitter now. It's not just a cool idea anymore. Toots are starting to change public opinion.


@Gargron bummer, I'll have to annoy myself with getting f-droid just to get fedilab onto my phone, and I don't exactly like f-droid's long update times

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