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Today #GNOME turns 25! We're so excited to share this milestone with all of you, thank you to our wonderful community of contributors and supporters for helping us get here!

Take a look at our anniversary website for some photos, history, and fun facts!

#opensource #GNOMEParty

Shrig 🐌

@gnome regarding the cameos in films, I'm fairly sure I remember seeing GNOME/Pidgin in the film You and Me and Everyone We Know too 😎


@gnome Happy Birthday #GNOME! 🎈🥳 Looking forward to whatever iterations you will provide in the future, and you're a solid desktop environment already 😄


@gnome Congratulations! You were really awesome 12yrs+ ago!

Piyush Chandwani :mastodon: Happy Birthday @Gnome 🎂 Have a great year of developing great softwares

серафими многоꙮчитїи

@gnome I've been a GNOME user for most of those 25 years. Thank you to all contributors for the work on this ambitious project!

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