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Eugen Rochko

The sign up section has been moved to a separate page, the confusingly interchanging usage of tech jargon like "instance" and "server" has been removed in favour of "community". The questions "can I move my account later" and "can I talk to people from other communities" is answered upfront. Categories are now at the front and the communities are grouped by language with a prominent language filter option. Communities that don't offer instant sign-up are now clearly marked as such upfront.

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Steve 🇨🇦🇺🇦

@Gargron I like the term Community. Seems obvious, in retrospect, which the best terms usually do.

Eugen Rochko

All pages are now linked from the bottom of each page, and each page now has its own tab title (instead of all having the same one). The homepage has been streamlined. I've also fixed various layout issues for the right-to-left versions of the pages (currently only Arabic).

Also, the website can now be translated using Crowdin:


@Gargron clever! such a simple change. Will helps a lot of new comers

𝒗𝒐𝒏 Aakerbeere 🏖️ :mastodon:

@Gargron endlich eine Abkehr von den vielen technischen Begriffen und hin zu einer Sprache, die auch normale Menschen verstehen. Sehr gut 👍

Auch der Weg zu einer Anmeldung muss kürzer und einfacher werden. Es muss immer von Menschen ausgegangen werden, die keine Ahnung haben. Die Anmeldung darf nicht durch für sie unverständliche Fragen oder Begrifflichkeiten behindert werden.


@Gargron I don't know if 'community' is the right description. At least not until @renatolond's PR is merged (

And even than I think 'community server' would be better.


@Gargron now, if the saints lose so much as one doggone game i'm gonna really get upset!

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