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Miranda // MILF about town

@gargron its even better than gambling, because at least when you gamble you can trust that whatever you're gambling WITH is going to be around until the end of the gamble.


@Gargron so what's stopping them from making a hard fork with this bug fixed? Blockchain projects do make mistakes. It's not the first and not the last time such a situation happened.


@Gargron it’s like that time when i was 5 and the neighbor kid pulled leaves off a tree and declared that it was money, but somehow there’s actual adults taking him seriously.

David Thompson

@Gargron big yikes. I might be missing the boat with all this DeFi stuff... back in my day we just had Bitcoin. I can't keep up with all these new tokens lol

Raphael Lullis

@Gargron Not really fair to take such a poorly-executed and borderline scamm"project" and put on the same stand of all the serious people working on the crypto space.

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