@s_ol I don't have much of a vision yet, I've been mostly trying to port over my terminal based workflows until I can do everything within this app.
One thing I often do is go back to an old note and add a digression in the middle of it. For the past few years this has gotten more common but I've had nothing better than to just put some brackets and start writing within them. As a result I never have a second level of digression. Maybe I will with a better tool/representation?
@s_ol Now that I think about it, https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31325154#31328000 has also been on my mind.
Lots of apps these days use a graph to visualize a network of nodes. But it's just eye candy. I wonder if there's a way to make graph visualizations more useful. Allow a spectrum been seeing a single thing and seeing all the things. Lots of perspectives may help the brain make sense of the graph.