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Cassidy James Blaede

I believe they also chatted with Mycroft home assistant in the early days, and instead of investing, launched their competing Echo/Alexa smart assistant devices.

Amazon systematically directs customers to their own products over the competition when searching Amazon Marketplace.

Cassidy James Blaede

Amazon also frequently gets in spats with companies and delists them (like they threatened with Ecobee) when the companies don’t bow to Amazon’s wishes; this is why you could not buy Google or Nest products on Amazon for years, but Amazon would advertise competing products.

Cassidy James Blaede

Remember, Amazon also bought their way into:

• Goodreads
• Audible
• ComiXology
• IMDb
• Twitch
• MGM studios
• Whole Foods

…and a dozen other companies you’ve never heard of.

Why do we let one single company own so much of the tech, content, and shopping world?

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