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Eugen Rochko

Do people really just casually hit 10.000 steps in a day?

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Dag Ågren ↙︎↙︎↙︎

@Gargron No.

(The "10000 steps" concept apparently happened 100% because the Japanese character for 10000 looks a little bit like a walking person.)

Matt 🌻

@Gargron Only when I visit another country. Day to day, in my own city, no. 🚶‍♀️


@Gargron I can hit it if I've been out and about shopping or walked to my co-working space and back but in these lockdown times I'm lucky if a day goes over 3000 steps.


@gargron a bit over 8k is pretty normal for me, on more busy days, its usually between 10k-14k


@Gargron between about 2017-2018 i got 12,000 steps every single day in a pretty much continuous streak. then that stopped for some reason and then of course i bet this year ive done about 10,000 steps in total


@Gargron 10,000 steps is not actually that much... it's only about a couple of kilometers...

ratiu 💛 💙

I walk 15000-2000 steps. and it makes me happy. especially, when i don't listen to music or do something else during that. it's like a meditation


@Gargron yes.

I don't have a desk job though, I am a forklift (mostly) technician, and walking around sites and back and forth from my van to get tools or whatever will take me to 10,000 regularly.

🥝 rothair

@Gargron I averaged 7-8k a day by just walking to the train station and then to the office and back. That routine's gone with covid, and I only get above 2k now if I have something special...

äymm :damnified:

@Gargron I usually do 8-10k steps a day, mostly because I enjoy taking a walk during my lunch break

Emanuel Pina

Almost daily, yes. I do something like 7-8k just walking the dog 🐕 😃

Reinder Dijkhuis

@Gargron Yeah, I've had days where all I needed to do was walk my dogs. I've upped my target to 14,000 and that's a lot harder to reach consistently.


@Gargron Day Overenthusiastic trackers like mine add a few steps even if I fidget while sitting.


@Gargron The key is to sleep right next to a giant staircase


@Gargron (while sitting in a restaurant watching the waiters) yes, yes some do


@Gargron I do. My average mark is about 12.000 but if I go out for a walk with the dog I easily go further

Pete Zaitcev: Stuff
@Gargron Yes, 10k is easy even for a programmer. Just needs a short stroll before bed. Those who break 20k need to do something specifically to make it happen (unless they work on their feet - I have a friend who works at warehouse for UPS, he throws up to 17,000 shipping boxes during his shift at peak times).

@Gargron used to have my daily fitbit target at 12,000 and hovered about 2-3 days a week above it, 5-4 days below. Since slothdown I've been lucky to hit 6,000

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