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Back to switch selection... At millisecond-scale, the limitation of SCRs in an non-repetitive, oneshot pulse is thermal, as the pulse gets shorter, the allowable surge current goes up significantly, a SCR only rated for 60 A steady-state can switch even 2000 A. But at microsecond-scale, di/dt becomes the new problem, and that makes the allowed surge current to go down significantly... Apparently the responsible mechanism is localized hotspots in the silicon before it fully turns on.

Most SCRs have di/dt (max) = 50 - 100 A/μs. So for a 8/20 µs surge, the current peak must be less than 400-800 A. With a standard 2 Ω effective ESR, surge voltage is restricted to 800-1600 V. Let's see if an IGBT does this better...


IGBTs are not really much better it seems... Common discrete devices only exist below 2000 volts, roughly the same range.


Pulse capacitors also become hugely expensive at 2000 volts... 2000 volts really looks like a barrier in power electronics. Beyond this point components suddenly become either hugely expensive or come with inconvenient packages... But if you stay at 1500 or 1700 V, it's much easier...


Now I need 1500-volt, 6 µF pulse capacitors, what are my options.... :blobcatthinking2: It turned out the choices are pretty limited, basically three: Kemet R75 & R76 series, Vishay MKP385 series, and Cornell-Dubilier 940C & 941C series (this one seems to have a cult following by Tesla coil builders). 941C is currently the cheapest, 1.5 µF for just $11. But I need FOUR and only THREE are in stock until 2023. :blobfacepalm:

niconiconi replied to niconiconi

High-voltage flyback transformers look like a dying breed these days. All the experimenters seem to get them either from old CRTs or random eBay surplus sources. But my project needs to be replicable from standard parts on the product catalog of a big vendor, so random components are unacceptable. CCFL lightning transformers seemed to be a good source in the past decade, but most are discontinued in this LED age. I guess I'll just stop wasting time and use a pre-made SIP DCDC module instead.

niconiconi replied to niconiconi

The datasheet says the pulse resistors I'm using to build a 8/20 µs surge generator are themselves tested by a 8/20 µs surge generator by the vendor. Now the cycle is complete. :blobcatgiggle:

niconiconi replied to niconiconi

You know pulse resistors are specialized when a manufacturer in China sells them at a higher price than Vishay in the US... And the official website shows zero stock.

niconiconi replied to niconiconi

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as a "8/20 μs surge", is in fact, a 1.2/50-8/20 μs surge, or as I've recently taken to calling it, the output from a 1.2/50 µs combination wave generator. The 8/20 μs waveform is not a surge unto itself, but rather just the generator's short-circuit current output as defined by IEC 61000-4-5. It's normally generated in combination with the 1.2/50 µs open-circuit voltage waveform. All the so-called "8/20 μs wave" are really the "1.2/50-8/20 μs" combinational wave...

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as a "8/20 μs surge", is in fact, a 1.2/50-8/20 μs surge, or as I've recently taken to calling it, the output from a 1.2/50 µs combination wave generator. The 8/20 μs waveform is not a surge unto itself, but rather just the generator's short-circuit current output as defined by IEC 61000-4-5. It's normally generated in combination with the 1.2/50 µs open-circuit voltage waveform. All the so-called "8/20 μs wave" are really the "1.2/50-8/20...

niconiconi replied to niconiconi

Huge pulse capacitor is huge. Cornell-Dubilier 941C series

niconiconi replied to niconiconi

0.1 Ω pulse resistors arrived. Time to do more test on the original quick-and-dirty HV pulser before building a proper one: 31.2 A short circuit, 200 V open-circuit, so the effective ESR is 6.4 Ω, a bit on the high side. The di/dt is high, 10-90 rise time is just 400.0 ns, it's 65 A/µs - I'm already violating the absolute maximum of the SCR.

niconiconi replied to niconiconi

Saying I'm building a "8/20 μs impulse surge protector tester" sounds boring, I think I'll start calling it a "0.3 megawatt pulser" instead. I hope I can rightfully call it a "megawatt pulser" when I break the 2000-volt barrier one day... :blobcatgiggle:

niconiconi replied to niconiconi

Just found a workable solution to switch 4000 volts and 2000 amps. Time to go old-school!!!

Except there are three problems. The tube has no trigger electrode, only free running is possible. Each tube costs over $200. Also, each tube is filled with 5.44 MBq of radioactive tritium ☢️ !

niconiconi replied to niconiconi

Just finished the construction of my new 8/20 μs impulse generator. Its output surge should be in compliance with IEC 61000-4-5 now, but I haven't checked it yet. Need to get some sleep and continue the test tomorrow. Working with lethal voltage at midnight is definitely not a good idea...

niconiconi replied to niconiconi

My impulse generator's current output failed to meet the standard waveform requirement. The rise time is 50% too short. I think I didn't wind that inductor correctly. Just ordered a simple LCR meter to continue the experiment (trimming an inductor with a oscilloscope or VNA is just too awkward).

niconiconi replied to niconiconi

I found the solution for switching 2000 volts - two thyristors in series should be able to handle it. I was worriying about off-state leakage current due to voltage balancing resistors in the original capacitor discharging circuit. But this problem disappears in the standard 8/20 μs impulse generator, it already has two 20 Ω resistive loads, this diverts leakage mostly to the ground instead of the load, making the series switch connection feasible again.

Capacitor size and cost are still the problem. Using non-pulse rated capacitors is perhaps an acceptable workaround if I'm willing to replace them once in a while. A lifetime of 10,000 shots is practically infinite for my purpose.

I found the solution for switching 2000 volts - two thyristors in series should be able to handle it. I was worriying about off-state leakage current due to voltage balancing resistors in the original capacitor discharging circuit. But this problem disappears in the standard 8/20 μs impulse generator, it already has two 20 Ω resistive loads, this diverts leakage mostly to the ground instead of the load, making the series switch connection feasible again.

niconiconi replied to niconiconi

LCR meter arrived, indeed, the inductor I winded was 50% too low. I pushed the windings together while looking at the readings, within 10 seconds I brought it within design specification.

Time for a test... Then I immediately blow the entire circuit up by connecting 200 V to 5 V input... ⚡💥 :doge:

niconiconi replied to niconiconi

Success, the output waveform of my 8/20 μs impulse generator prototype is now IEC 61000-4-5 compliant!

Peak current: 200 A
Front time: 7.05 μs
Duration: 21.24 μs

niconiconi replied to niconiconi

The only problem I need to solve now is that the entire circuit exploded after firing the first shot. ⚡💥 I believe it was the same mistake and failure mode - the thyristor was wired as a high-side switch this time deliberately for convenience. As soon as the thyristor is turned on, the gate voltage rises to 500 volts.

I thought the transistor was protected by the new diode I added in series, but no, it's again a n00b mistake. The base-collector junction of a BJT is also a diode, and you can't connect any diodes in series without an RC snubber to balance the voltage. Without balancing, series diodes simply break down one after another.

The only problem I need to solve now is that the entire circuit exploded after firing the first shot. ⚡💥 I believe it was the same mistake and failure mode - the thyristor was wired as a high-side switch this time deliberately for convenience. As soon as the thyristor is turned on, the gate voltage rises to 500 volts.

niconiconi replied to niconiconi

New plan: abusing a MOSFET gate driver to drive a SCR's gate to get high-side switching. Now I need to figure out how much Common Mode Transient Immunity do I need. My circuit is *literally* a surge generator.

niconiconi replied to niconiconi

CMTI: 100 kV/μs. Oh, it's more than enough...

niconiconi replied to niconiconi

Rewired the isolated DC-DC converter to float on top of the high voltage instead of ground. No more explosions, even a small-signal transistor can drive the gate with ease.

niconiconi replied to niconiconi

Look at my gate turn-on waveform... Man-made horrors beyond comprehension.

niconiconi replied to niconiconi

In electronics, everything is an LC resonator if your layout is bad enough.

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