@hayley Hayley, you must look into meta-anarchism. I keep thinking about the intersections of Stirnerism and anarchism and it just doesn’t work. It just doesn’t work. It only breaks my brain. The more I think of it, the more my brain hurts. These things are just unreconcievable and maybe they have to be this way. Maybe they have to. Maybe we put too much emphasis on ideological purity instead of ideological flexibility. It just doesn’t allow for the free flow of political desire, the ideological liberty, another form of liberty that is directly advocated by Stirner. I just… I gave up. All the arguments I was provided. They are always half-baked. They are always limiting in some way, it’s like the spirit of mother anarchy is trying to yank ourselves back into her arms like a worried parent. It’s like we’re afraid to leave her alone. But why do we do this? Do we have a psychological attachment to anarchism? Are we afraid of criticism and being left alone as the rest of the movement berates us as traitors and backstabbers (like they didn’t before, just look at how anarcho-moralists from C4SS treat folks like us, they will never ever trust us)?