Gotta put yourself in a box. Gotta pretend that you’re a self-conscious egoist as you desperately try to rationalize your existing beliefs. Gotta return back to conventional morality through mental gymnastics. Gotta synthesize the beliefs you yourself hold sacred with Stirnerism. Gotta do all these things because you don’t want to confront your spooks, you better just run away from the problem, you better not think about the problem because you grew attached to your ideas, afraid to let go, afraid to confront reality and step into the unknown chaos that is human life. No, you better pretend that the spooks do not guide you, you better pretend that you’ve consciously examined your ideology and haven’t found any flaws and drawbacks that are detrimental to your self-interests. Or gonna just go with the flaw with “smarter” Stirnerites. Just adopt their ideas without any fucking critical examination.