I started doing photography when I was 35 and I ran my first half marathon when I was 44. I’ve never been embarrassed about being an adult learner. I wasted enough of my younger days being embarrassed about things I should’ve been proud of.
I started doing photography when I was 35 and I ran my first half marathon when I was 44. I’ve never been embarrassed about being an adult learner. I wasted enough of my younger days being embarrassed about things I should’ve been proud of. 21 comments
@Jgbird well said! Feel very similar, although possibly my arc is now being forced to turn once again - eldest child's recent message: "Dad, please don't xyz.... it's MORTIFYING". @Jgbird If your photography skills are comparable to your running skills, I expect to see you at the next Olympics! Congratulations 👏🏻 @Jgbird My kid practises piano, drums and guitar and it inspires me! Some days I am not sure I feel like practising but they start doing theirs so I do mine 😊. Hopefully I am also teaching them that playing music is not just for people who are really good at it 😂 @Jgbird I am always amazed at the clarity in the parts of your shots that you wish to highlight. All of this. :) I became a clown late in life. Learned circus skills well after anyone thought it was 'appropriate' or 'possible'. @Jgbird That photo of a weird green pointy finger is however, utterly ruined by that rather pretty bird. @Jgbird Thanks for the post! Two important messages, stop worrying about being embarrassed, and never stop learning. My greatest fear my entire life has been about being embarrassed. At 76 I'm shedding that. Ran my first full marathon at 54 and started learning guitar at 72. Still learning! Thanks for the inspiration! Great photography, by the way. @Jgbird I went back to university at almost 50. And now, knowing why I struggled so much younger because I’m autistic and as a breast cancer survivor I say more than ever “Never too late“! |
@Jgbird good for you!