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@mattcomi this is brilliant. The whole art of creating precise and complete prompts with the appropriate modifiers sometimes seems more time consuming than just writing the thing. Communicating in prompts gets you back to basic semantics and efficient representation.


@mattcomi or “imagine I said what I wanted to say, and read that”
Or the lyrics to one of my favorite songs by They Might be Giants: “Listen Ana hear my words
They're the ones you would think I would say
If there was a me for you”


@leeCookson this is exactly right. Similarly, consider the Apple Intelligence ads where a grumpy person uses the "polite" button on his complaint about a tree. The ad ends there, and doesn't show the recipient's phone re-summarizing it as: “request to prune tree”.


@mattcomi this whole topic feels like newspeak 2.0

Brian Okken :python:

@leeCookson @mattcomi Unfortunately too few will recognize the 1984 reference.


@brianokken @mattcomi so true. Though references to it have popped up occasionally in the last 40 years, so for some it’s just an idiom and not a direct reference to Orwell’s book

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