@mattcomi or “imagine I said what I wanted to say, and read that”
Or the lyrics to one of my favorite songs by They Might be Giants: “Listen Ana hear my words
They're the ones you would think I would say
If there was a me for you”
@mattcomi or “imagine I said what I wanted to say, and read that” 4 comments
@brianokken @mattcomi so true. Though references to it have popped up occasionally in the last 40 years, so for some it’s just an idiom and not a direct reference to Orwell’s book |
@leeCookson this is exactly right. Similarly, consider the Apple Intelligence ads where a grumpy person uses the "polite" button on his complaint about a tree. The ad ends there, and doesn't show the recipient's phone re-summarizing it as: “request to prune tree”.