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Yes, I know Russia Today is a Russian propaganda outlet but you gotta give them credit for hosting interviews with Stallman, Jreg, Maupin and Galloway. Who else would do that kind of stuff? And I don't even like Putin, I'm a fucking Stirnerian meta-anarchist, I have ties to Marxists and post-leftists FFS and I've compared him to Mussolini fuck knows how many times. But people got to be close-minded and call me a reactionary again. SMH.
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“‘Reactionary’ is when you don’t agree with the neoliberal agenda. If you do not support Biden you are automatically a reactionary. Insurrectionary anarchists are also reactionary. And ahkshually Stirner has inspired the far-right. And Marx was anti-Semitic, you know. And ahkshually…

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