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Emma (IPG)

who up manipulating they log for 36 days for no known purpose

Supper Mario Broth: Due to floating point imprecision, the rolling log in Tall, Tall Mountain in Super Mario 64 can be very slowly manipulated to go sideways through the cliff. It takes 36 days of nonstop manipulation to reach the limit of how far it can go. This has no currently known purpose.
keschi / cache :blobCat_in_box:

@ipg I like how it's implied that this could even have a purpose at all

Gaelan Steele

@kescher I mean, knowing mario 64 types, "some unrelated exploit needs a platform precisely here" is entirely possible

Gaelan Steele

@kescher although I suppose it would ultimately be in service of something like "beat mario 64 backwards without pressing any buttons" so maybe you're right

dzamie :vOwOfied:

@ipg Huh, I wonder if that limit is also due to floating point imprecision, and if it's possible to go the other way.

nytpu ‮

@dzamie @ipg I'm guessing it's because the gap between floats gets large enough or it gets past 0 in the relevant axis, so that whatever rounding error starts rounding towards the coordinate it's currently at instead of away

Octavia con Amore

@ipg @confusomu coin-flip chance this will be part of a TAS in 1.5 years :zerotwo_shrug:


@ipg Someone very dedicated to science™

Elfi, :verifiedtransbian: cute moth

@ipg pannenkoek could certainly figure out something to do with it

Lucy Nelson

@ipg she manipulate my log till i sideways through her cliff

Tofu :blobcatace:​

@ipg At the tall tall mountain, straight up "manipulating it" and by it, well let's justr say haha my log

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