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Luci for dyeing

Things I want in a text editor:

first: if you suggest I should try vim or emacs I will block you on sight.

all text editors are terrible. vi is vicious. emacs is egregious. sublime is sour. eclipse is excrement. atom is awful. vscode is not even deserving of alliteration.
this is a list of my demands. some text editors have some of these features but none have all. and i definitely want more than is written here.


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Luci for dyeing

* no modes
* syntax highlighting
* mildly scriptable
* cut copy and paste
* search and replace / regex
* open large files without hanging
* deal with long lines too
* persistent workspace
* doesn’t become difficult if i have 1000 files open at once.
* a better interface paradigm than “open” and “closed” files and a million tabs
* just closes without asking dumb questions in infinite sequences of dialogues
* well defined hypertext format with proportional fonts for comments and documentation.

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