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You can now untag yourself from posts.


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a feature I actually never knew I wanted until now hahah


@pixelfed thanks for this step in the right direction.
But what if I prefer to act and not to react on tagging of my pixelfed account in respective posts... So I still think that a "disable tagging" option in the account settings is needed, to actively disable beeing tagged in general.

Say "No!" to IoT cybernetics

@pixelfed lol pretty sure @dansup was getting sick of people taking him *on pixelfed* to report issues 😂

Say "No!" to IoT cybernetics

@pixelfed lol pretty sure @dansup was getting sick of people taking him *on pixelfed* to report issues 😂

Eric Lathrop

@pixelfed How do I follow a pixelfed user from a normal mastodon instance? There's no follow button.

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