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Hot Dog Water


I'm sorry. Absurd, the inhumanity of it.

Reminds me of the Popeye cartoon where he forgets his house key, so he climbs in a window to unlock the door, then goes out the window to enter through the door, all propersk likesk. lol

Chloe Raccoon

@GGMcBG @SyHoekstra @patterfloof Lots of it gets absurd. I got a captcha a while back where it asked me to select all the tractors. I selected the 1 tractor. It wouldn't let me proceed. Because the input data didn't know the difference between a tractor, a telehandler, and a combine harvester. But I do know the difference between them...


@chloeraccoon @GGMcBG @SyHoekstra it's always American captchas, good thing I know what a sidewalk is, via cultural imperialism

Chloe Raccoon

@patterfloof @GGMcBG @SyHoekstra It would be funny to have it bring up UK fire hydrants. How many americans do you think could ID one?

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