Being #blind is fun. Just encountered a visual captcha with no audio option. So I used JAWS Picture Smart to get AI to read me the text of the visual clue, which I typed in and got through. So basically I'm a human who needs a robot to prove to another robot that I am not a robot. Without my robot, the other robot would have thought I was a robot. Also I was trying to make a payment on my PAP machine, which really should in itself indicate that I am not a robot. #Disability #Disabled
@SyHoekstra I don’t think paying for a PAP machine is a good test. Making another machine breathe for you is totally something a robot using human training data would do.
@SyHoekstra yeah, those captchas are... not doing what they say they're doing.
I'm using for a long time now an addon called Buster to automatically solve the google reCAPTCHAs for me.
So a robot is already solving the "I'm not a robot" for me.