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Ian Campbell


-Google Play Services vs. alternative app stores like F-droid have benefits and drawbacks. In particular, F-droid's signing mechanism has drawn criticism (including from outfits like Signal).

-One of the strongest controls I've instituted is using private DNS so I can see and control a lot of the calls the phone makes. Easy to set up with a service like NextDNS, but can also roll your own.

-If DNS feels a bit too far, check out PCAPDroid as it can provide some separate functions.

xeniax ⏚

@neurovagrant thanks a lot for your feedback. I'll read more about both options

Ian Campbell

@Xeniax No problem; if you have further questions, please feel free to hit me up.

Graphene's web installer is super convenient, btw. Really slick/easy install experience.

Thank you for your research work!

Plsik (born in 320 ppm)

@neurovagrant @Xeniax @Xeniax I would also like to use a more secure OS on my phone. I might even get around to installing it, but one thing is holding me back. I don't use new phones, it's beyond my financial means. I buy refurbished ones, for myself and my family. Graphene, Sailfish and the like have a very limited selection of devices, often ones that almost no one here uses. I don't even know anyone who uses minority brand phones.

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