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Tofu Golem

The culture war is a distraction from the class war.

This is Bob
(Image of a stick figure) 
Bob gets $1500 a year in food stamps to feed his family. 

This is Shell
(Image of a stick figure with the head replaced by the logo for Shell Oil) 
Shell gets $2,000,000,000 a year in subsidies granted by the government because it has excellent lobbyists

It's time to shut up about Bob.

@Nerde @tofugolem

... and how much does Shell pay in dividends to their shareholders?

Seems these 'government subsidies' are just a 'cover' for government money being shoveled into shareholders' pockets.

Just one more reason for the perpetually rising US debt! 🤪

The US citizens are being played while shareholders are getting paid.


@tofugolem He's waiting for his signal from his yacht.

screenshot from Some Like It Hot (1959) with "Shell Junior" in his sun chair and Marilyn Monroe kneeling before it in the sand while "Daphne" can't believe what she sees. Tony Curtis has been overlaid with the green man with Shell-logo-head that is labelled "This is Shell" in the above graphic

@tofugolem I would starve without SNAP. No need to “most work!, family!, only non it a short time!”. Folks like me rely 100% on SNAP to eat. No one wants to talk about disabled folks. No one wants to talk about how difficult it is to exist on $230 of food money a month ($7 a day), or $800 if you add in SSI. Yes, I’m definitely bankrupting the country, not the tax loopers & subsidized profitable cooperations. 🙄


@tofugolem We should employ professionals to advocate for the public interest! 🤪

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