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@david_chisnall LLMs play directly into business guy's IT wet dreams. If you've ever developed software for business guys, you realize that the biggest problem is figuring out what the business guy wants. Even on those rare occasions when the business guy knows what he wants, his ability to express it in a manner that can be converted into software is limited at best. For these guys, the idea of LLMs magically interpreting their wants and needs, is wonderous.


Just like the no/low code solutions they were pedaled in the previous promise cycle.

Jimmy Havok

@glennsills @david_chisnall One of my friends writes specs for coders, and endures endless meetings in the process of getting the business guys' words into an unambiguous form.


@jhavok @david_chisnall In the end, something like Domain Modeling, a process that creates an agreed upon language describing a problem domain works best (IMO, I haven't seen everything), but it is extremely expensive, and folks generally don't want to pay.

Peter Wood

@jhavok @glennsills @david_chisnall

Use cases with executable examples can be easier because the wrangling usually happens in the examples, with updates to the use cases only when new cases are discovered.


@glennsills @david_chisnall
They want the new computerized system to work exactly like the old paper system, without ever considering where things could be rearranged or consolidated or split for better results.


@PJ_Evans @david_chisnall That's the old saying, but in reality, few businesspeople are still alive that used the old paper system and fewer understand how it worked.


@glennsills @david_chisnall
I worked at a place in 2004 that was finishing exactly that conversion, and saw some of the stuff that could have been fixed.


@glennsills @david_chisnall

You know... When you put it like that, I'm suddenly way more in favour of LLMs.

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