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Martijn Frazer

@david_chisnall the only reason it's done like this in Star Trek is because it's not a crew running a spaceship, it's a bunch of actors in a TV show. And it wouldn't make for very good TV to have people stare at screens and press buttons.

The crew aren't talking to the computers and vice versa, they're talking to the audience so they know what's going on.

It's beyond mad to retrofit this paradigm onto real tech that real people are trying to use to do real work.

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Marty Fouts

@Tijn @david_chisnall We have been working on the retro fit since the DARPA “put that there” experiments of the 1960s. I have personally used speech recognition software to control computers since the 1990s. Agent based AI systems have been around for 20 years. LLMs are a dead end in this area but there’s been a lot of research and some progress in the last 60 years.

LLMs will play out, hopefully soon, and we will return to domain specific multi modal agent approaches again.

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