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Eugen Rochko

A journalist is asking me how the Indian community of Mastodon is doing after its late-2019 rise to prominence. Unfortunately unless someone here has any numbers I'm going to have to say that I don't know, since Mastodon does not track user locations...

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Bhavik Joshi

@Gargron Most of us left, only those who refused to play by the random rules of bird site, are continuing. It can be awfully quiet, even dull here at times, but not toxic, threatening or invasive..thats the story so far.


@Gargron there is moo reason you should be expected to know how the users of your platform are doing as a society. That question is #1. Too generalized and #2. Unknowable. Mastodon doesn’t track users and a journalist who has done the research should know that.

:cate: JaJa :welp:

@Gargron I am an Indian and I think we are doing the same thing what other country people are doing here on mastodon. Fediverse is a borderless universal concept

Desmond Coutinho

@Gargron For meself I have been given a warm if mercurial welcome by the Black and POC LBQTIA organic anarchist farming community on Mastodon. But I got no stats for the others


@Gargron I remember joining the instance you're talking about, during its rise. On first sight, it seemed like the instance was filled with Indian right-wingers who'd been de-platformed from Twitter, so I promptly made my exit.


@Gargron isn't that the point anyway? we don't track anyone or anything 🤘

Brett Jackson

@Gargron speaking of national communities, why does Mastodon seem so popular with Japanese speakers?

Vishnu Varatharajan

@Gargron as far as I see, most of them returned back. Some stayed. I took some time exploring the Fediverse[1], and now I'm working on creating a new Mastodon instance. Fediverse is very inspiring! Although I'm sad that this is no news for the journalist.


agentredux 🚀

@Gargron most went back to twitter because they lost their audience and the immediate traction they got over there. The Indian community here is very small.

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