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Mx Jookia

@gargron isn't 'live ammo' a synonym for 'bullets meant to kill people'


@Gargron that's what they use in kashmir. Indian held, that is.And the army isn't even accountable for any deaths.Nothing at all.Virtually immune.


@Gargron 😥 Hong Kong and occupied East Turkestan 💔


@Gargron it's crazy to me that China thinks they'll be able to break the will of these people. You can kill the revolutionary but you can't kill the revolution.

I can't imagine being a police officer being asked to kill a civilian, but I guess if they are worried for their safety then I could see it from a self defense perspective. Philosophically, I'd be thinking long and hard why I was in that position before having to commit such acts.

Ore WA bii tii

@Gargron reason to light up the cigarette in early morning.


@Gargron Oh great! Now I have to make more room for political dissenters. Like I don't have enough of them here already! 🙄

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