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@kkarhan @jgilbert
Do I understand that correctly that is on a block list of mastodon?
🤔 That's ... rather unexpected.

GrayGooGirl :v_lesbian: :1up:

The admin over there like lobbing accusations at other instances and then blocking them when they don't immediately acquiesce to .art's demands. It's self-imposed based on the admins personal drama and deep distrust of other admins.
@kkarhan @jgilbert

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@GrayGooGirl @marionline @jgilbert yeah + the while #TheBadSpace shitshow.

- Many people, including myself, exposed #Ro et. al. as transmisogynistc asshole with a messiah complex and he retaliated by flexing his followers and just making up bs. (Basically pulling #KEEMSTAR-level #StochasticTerrorism)...

#WelshPixie is known for being narccistic in her bs demands and most instances decided they don't need her bossing them around as if she owned their servers or had any power.

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