Humanity is in dire need of a new operating system that rejects the old definitions of success. We need cooperation over competition; shared ownership over new monopolies; true openness over "let's just hold on to this bit of secret sauce to make money".
The reason that people with power or a stake in "the way things are" tend to dismiss the fediverse (a bunch of hobbyists! can't scale! no business model!) is the precise reason to embrace it fully and wholeheartedly.
Incidentally, I found it somewhat amusing to discover that before executives started talking about "blue sky thinking", the term "blue sky" in a business context was primarily associated with fraudulent business ventures, which led to "blue sky laws" to protect investors.
I don't think Bluesky is a fraudulent venture, but I also don't think it is anymore imaginative than the modern use of the term in C-suites. It is simply business as usual -- blue sky, incorporated.