Roses are red
Violets have chloroform
I spent $44 billion to buy Twitter and yet
@glitzersachen @mrbitterness @MissingThePt maybe he should shot himself down that would be a solution to such a shit load of problems no one head before he opened his mouth... If there's one person I feel is actually proven worthy of being bullied into quivering jelly paste until they drown in the tears that dehydrated them to a husk while crying them all out, it's this bimbo nazi billionaire from South Africa. @66gardeners @GGMcBG @MissingThePt @66gardeners @GGMcBG @MissingThePt 🤔 @MissingThePt Is that not freedom of speech or am I missing the point or is he missing the point? @bibliolater @MissingThePt Oh dear. It seems you don’t know that “freedom of speech” is a Conservative Irregular Verb There are many of them. A *great* many. @MissingThePt Of all the people who overpaid for their checkmarks, Musky overpaid the most. Just because the man baby bought the public space doesn't mean he changed the public opinion, he just gets to see more of that opinion than ever. Also, what did he expect, inserting himself into the government so much? Sudden unwavering devotion? I'm wondering when the 'love me or else' phase kicks in, where he threatens the public in some way. Love me or no satellite internet. Love me or I brick your vehicles. He's like Commodus but with more toys. That said, Commodus had a LOT of toys. @TheDefiant604 @MissingThePt It's already started. He's already threatened to sue advertisers who choose not to give their money to his platform. I assume the personal threats for lack of adoration are just around the corner. @MissingThePt want to go back on twitter to reply "buddy, you should see what people are saying about you on other platforms..." @Scmbradley @MissingThePt I wanted my account deleted but wasn't able anymore I may see a solution for my problem @Scmbradley @MissingThePt @TheGreatLlama @Scmbradley @MissingThePt Ooohhh.. Maybe I should start a few empty instances to sell off to NFT Bros when they get the idea @MissingThePt If you didn't insulate yourself with sycophants you would feel the seething hate directed at you all day, every day. @MissingThePt Another downside of being a malignant narcissist: no matter how much a whole cult builds up around them, their ego is never truly satisfied and they're always ultimately unhappy. @MissingThePt I love the idea of someone in 2024 running a public forum with more than 22 people and expecting no one to randomly insult them. Should have started with a discord server for practice... Perhaps something wrong with the moderation? Was it perhaps a mistake to fire the moderation team? @MissingThePt Maybe he should have thought about that before buying the damn site and running it into the ground. @Merk_94 @MissingThePt And it worked. @MissingThePt Oh man, the miniaturisation of technology is advancing in ridiculous speed. Last year this time I wouldn't have believed how small violin is currently playing. @MissingThePt Wow, I have discovered a motivation to reopen an account on Twitter. I'm not going to do it, but it's interesting that this makes me feel the pull. Omg, lol. More like a wannabe little finger, but dressed as a clown, all out of his volition, I might add. Yeah, he’s already made bank of it, and he’ll continue to do so. I will say though: I imagine a power behind the throne to be, well, actually behind the throne and quiet about it. Like a name I hear once and forget in the tussle. But that guy can’t be quiet to save his life, and so he makes his life much harder than it needs to be. @MissingThePt @astroPug @pq1r Yeah, but he’s not intelligent enough to understand that, one day, he’ll piss Trump off, and then Trump’s DOJ will have to decide whether he committed suicide or died trying to escape. @marcas @MissingThePt @astroPug as much as I'd like to believe you're right, I think these are rose-tinted dreams. I don't think the harsh reality is that simplistic and I think underestimating the "other side" is not going to solve anything. @pq1r @MissingThePt @astroPug They’re not rose-tinted dreams, though, as Ernst Röhm and Gregor Strasser and everybody ever retouched out of a photo with Stalin would tell you, if the dead could talk. But nor are they enough to save normal people. La réaction dévore ses enfants, it’s true. But still: as both the US Civil War and WWII teach us, the only way to defeat the fash is to send as many fascists to their Valhalla as possible, as quickly as possible. @marcas @pq1r @MissingThePt @astroPug It's a matter of time, which one will act first is the big question. My money is on the Trumpistas. @MissingThePt @MissingThePt On top of all of the other things #Musk didn't investigate before buying #Twitter, we can add to the list looking at how literally any other social media owner or executive is treated I was gonna say: insults to u/spez are common on Reddit. I would almost say they are tradition. Lots of us lesser mortals get harassed and threatened and whatnot, and we don’t even own shit. @MissingThePt The majority of that $44B was Other People's Money, and you can be sure those Other People are not happy at the way things have gone with their investment. No wonder some of them are saying nasty things about Elon, he should be grateful if that's all they do. @dshan @MissingThePt at least one dissident has been executed for treason, numerous others jailed because their Twitter activities, so at least the Saudis are getting something for their investment. Funny how that works: act like an entitled asshole, get treated like an entitled asshole. @MissingThePt after make people pay for it grok ai crap is now free so i made this @MissingThePt Peace @MissingThePt @MissingThePt The champion of freespeech is apparently quite sensitive to speech that's not flattering of him. Just like his homeboy it appears. @MissingThePt :sulks: @SoftwareTheron @MissingThePt The highlights make it everywhere. Don't worry. Got plenty of people who seem to take it as a calling to repost this guy's shit everywhere :p @crazyeddie @MissingThePt @MissingThePt If he said less there'd be less insults. No I'm not suggesting he be quite so others stop insulting him. @MissingThePt Elon should check out mastodon, where we'll gladly insult him constantly for free! what a sad tool, lol Roses are red 🤔 A normal, intelligent, rational, thinking, non-sociopathic person just might consider that receipt of constant insults might just mean THERE'S SOMETHING FUCKING WRONG WITH YOU... But, nope. 🫏🤡🫏🤡 @MissingThePt let’s not forget that even his own AI called him a pedophile what a whiny cry-baby nitwit man-child he is he could do so much good and be perfectly happy and content instead he plays the victim 24/7 what an ass he's going to destroy it - like the tower of Babel - and his army of bats will invade all the other platforms, looking to feed. @MissingThePt I am laughing hard trying to imagine this guy in front of his phone wondering why the hell that is. @MissingThePt @MissingThePt Twitter metrics: Musk: Ok will say something stupid again to get the metrics up. Media: @MissingThePt I'm certain someone could organize a gofundme to buy him a ticket back to South Africa #ElonMusk @Nigel_Purchase Those people don't know what they want unless trump tells them. Elon Musk really needs to visit other platforms and will be relieved to see his unpopularity is not exclusive to X aka Twitter, it’s universal. @MissingThePt He needs serious mental health care, and, good news, he can afford it. Bad news for us, he would have to control the narrative because I doubt he looks inward. Too dark and scary and angering. @MissingThePt Now that I know it bugs him, it's almost worth re-opening an account just to insult him. @MissingThePt he's actually insulted on all platforms. He is never correct about anything. @MissingThePt @BinChicken @MissingThePt @GottaLaff Thrilled to be the one to tell you, Leon, people constantly insult you on every platform. @MissingThePt what was he thinking exactly? That we would thank him for stealing our democracy? @MissingThePt If only he kept certian thoughts to him self. @MissingThePt@mastodon.sociaPlease remind Elon it was much cheaper to buy the entire government of the United States. We really cant fix stupid. You overpaid for Twitter. |
@MissingThePt haha.