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18 comments | Expand all CWs
eena meena me

@Nocta pictured: bureaucracy in Austria and Germany.

Aearil :heart_nb:
@Nocta j'ai un doute, il y avait du wall jump dans cette version de Mario à l'époque ? :blobthinking:
Chris 🌱

@Nocta Apologies as you probably get this, I'm mainly responding to the image premise: This is a neat idea, but these are practically different too - wall jumps are a big factor. If you fall you can use those to recover. With no walls you're screwed.

Nocta [migrée]

@brainblasted There was no official wall jump in the first Super Mario Bros (there was a glitch that kinda allows that but it's frame perfect)

Chris 🌱

@Nocta That is something I didn't know - I sort consider the wall jump an iconic part of the series

Nocta [migrée]

@brainblasted It actually started with Super Mario 64 ^^

Chris 🌱

@Nocta files this away in the trivia folder

Nocta [migrée]

@brainblasted I spent way too much times on Nintendo trivia websites :')


@brainblasted @Nocta Actually, I don't think you are wrong? In the first one if you overshoot while going up you hit the wall and can land safely but on the second one it's possible (although unlikely) to fall under the blocks.


@brainblasted @Nocta It's a very slight differnt so the general point still stands but I'm the kind of pendant who enjoys nitpicking like that.

Nocta [migrée]

@stolas_mk2 @brainblasted

I think if you're going to fall under the block in the second one you would be too low to go back after hitting the wall in the first one


@Nocta @brainblasted ah yeah, maybe. I've not actually played the old school mario games for years.

Nocta [migrée]

@stolas_mk2 @brainblasted

Same, I'm not sure at all, but if I remember correctly the horizontal hitbox is kinda small (so you would have to hit the wall then go back) but the vertical one is not. Especially when you're not small Mario

the Hearth

@stolas_mk2 @brainblasted @Nocta no, wall jumps are definitely a glitch. actually not just frame-perfect but pixel-perfect too and i think it depends on subpixels as well?

Kuba Orlik

@Nocta it's subtle, but the second example *is* actually a little bit harder to pass

Nocta [migrée]

@kuba Because of the floor before and after ?

Isi but can't you use the walls to jump back up again in Super Mario? 🤔

Chad well-made ROM hack vs virgin lazy trash.
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