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Eugen Rochko

Sometimes I think what could I have done differently to make better use of the opportunities given by Mastodon being in the spotlight in the past. Like I imagine if Mastodon as it is in 3.2.0 was available during April 2017, a lot more people who checked it out would have stayed permanently, probably. It’s kind of frustrating to think about, really.

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@Gargron Nobody's perfect. Can't really blame anyone for not wanting to be a public figure, especially as the face for a movement.

:debian: 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚊 :t_blink:


Well, mastodon would be more popular in the features that was implemented in year 2025 was already in the software.

In short - stop thinking like that :)

Die Krähenpost

@Gargron don’t worry. it’s persistence what counts. well thought-through services like Mastodon will almost always find their audience. and Mastodon already have convinced a lot of people. thank you for everything!

Hart of the Wud

@Gargron Sure but it usually takes time and a lot of discussion to form enough understanding needed to build working systems. "Hindsight is always 20/20 vision."

Ash Furrow

@Gargron we are all trapped by the time and place we exist in – you can’t blame yourself for not having built a thing from three years in your future. I get where those feelings come from, but try not to worry too much about this ❤️ Here’s a cat.


@Gargron technology is iterative. Otherwise the iPhone X would have been the first iPhone.


@Gargron It’s well known in business that attention too early in a product cycle can harm it. That’s why Gmail did a private beta, so it could get better before it was public.

Leveraging media attention is also a marketing skill that few developers have, that’s especially hard with decentralized open source systems.

It’s fine. There’s always spotlight on social media issues, so more opportunities will come, and then Mastodon and the Fediverse will be better prepared.


@Gargron There's no real way to know whether the 'ones who stayed' from years back were going to add value to your life.

It is equally frustrating that other forms of social media are personally distasteful, but are inevitable for some purpose or other that may be important at the time. Like a tissue when you have to blow your nose.

Fais grève (8% génie)

Hello @Gargron 🙂
Rome was not built in a day !
Mastodon is really great 👍👍👍
Thank you so much 👏👏👏👏

Vancha :fedora:

@Gargron it might be easy to overlook, but mastodon already serves a really important purpose: it offers a really slick, user friendly, but most of all user focussed, alternative to existing proprietary social media.
At least there is a place to go for people that want to be responsible for their own data.
Mastodon is one of the largest alternative social networks out there, that's something to be proud of.


@Gargron Telegram grows when crises hit WhatsApp (usually self-inflicted). As long as Mastodon is stable and sustainable it will gain market share.


@Gargron Mistakes happen and it's rare when things go perfectly. Mastodon and the Fediverse aren't fads. Keep them stable and used and their virtues will eventually outshine the rest of the crap. FYI I didn't really look into Mastodon until 2019.


@Gargron nah it’s not the software that keeps me here. It’s the people. The conversations I have here are more constructive and it’s easier to avoid toxic users than any other social network.


@Gargron I think it is natural to think about it, but it is not natural to get obsessed with it. I have no idea about the early versions, current situation or who you are, but you have probably learned a lot, even if you are not aware, which will effect your future decisions. (Hope you are a good person with good intentions, *I am being lazy by just assuming based on the code of conduct, which gives me hope, no animal cruelty or any kind of cruelty can be added though) (Sorry for the grammar)

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