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AriSunDog, Spooky Version!

@SnowshadowII @Darkphoenix @gleick thank you. This is one reason why I have been buying more books lately. I'm just getting to collecting the reference books that I want to have. This will definitely go into my files.


@arisummerland @gekko3k @SnowshadowII @Darkphoenix @gleick

The #histodon I know keeps reminding me that nothing, absolutely *nothing*, currently used to store information beats printed paper for longevity.

If you want something to survive your current cultural milieux, put it on archival paper, in a dry cave. Better yet, **move** to that dry cave, and start a religious organizataion which eschews technology and embraces food forests.

Dark Phoenix

@arisummerland @SnowshadowII @gleick I'm always looking for reference books on certain specialties, like herbs. I also kept all my textbooks from college.

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