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@splitshockvirus More like anti-user reasons.
The only anti-cheat that ever works is purely server side - trusting the client to not cheat is pure foolishness.
Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:

@Suiseiseki @splitshockvirus

Besides cheaters will always exist and continuing the chase will turn into a dystopia for normal people.


@iska @Suiseiseki @splitshockvirus No one implements anti-cheat as a serverside-only measure because what are you gonna go if some weird shit happens due to lags or packet loss and you don't trust the client? Just drop everything and pretend nothing happened? No one will play such a game except for free software zealots. But they won't but stupid hats that exist only as in-game items anyway. So no one cares about them. It is THAT easy 🤣

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